Posted by Cake~ <3 at Tuesday, June 30, 2009 0 comments
Im nt goin to school tomoro!!! =[ Sadd!! =[ Sad sad sad mee....Haizz...Y largh?!?!?! hehe coz...i gtg change my Ic name!!! =[ Frm JODIE HUI KA YAN to ILLYANA ABDUL HUI BINTI FREEMEN ABDUL HUI...Haizz....LAMO!!! hehe...L:o:L!! Im Sooo gonna miss ALL the fuNN!!! and also gonna miss all ppl ...Lame!! (even jus 1 day oni) LoL!! Im Sooo JEALOUS!!! hahaha...Lol..Byeeee!!! (Still SADD!!!!) =[
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Tuesday, June 30, 2009 0 comments
Helloo PPL!!! =] Haizzz....ive gotta Post in 2 blogz!!! Haizz...Hardd thing 2 DO!!! =] hehehe...nt really...but troublesome la!! =]
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Monday, June 29, 2009 0 comments
Heloooo ppl on Earth!!! How yall doin?!?! =] I made this NEW Blog of Me,Lareina And Trisha!! I didnt really make it,...Trisha Did!! thx Trisha!! oki,...Sooo...this Blog is all abt us!! the link is www.thebestiesdiaries.blogspot.com yall can find the link in my blog too!! hehe!!! Owh...itz quite empty noww tho.... =] Byee!!
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Saturday, June 27, 2009 0 comments
Girlz only
Debbie:Weirdly funny
Natasha:A Jonas Brothers Fann..
Trisha:Polite ,Goody twoshoes who have not said the F word before.. =.=
Ellie:Awesome! Good in Sports Cute Girl!!
HuiMin:Lookz like Jay Chow..in some way...
Azureen:Cute and honest...=]
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Saturday, June 27, 2009 0 comments
OMG!!! ppl!! u see la!! =.= hmph...Todayy...1 or 2 galz frm Our skul is SUSPECTED to hv the virys...Sooo...hv gotta Bring MASK !!!! Suckishhh!!!
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Thursday, June 25, 2009 0 comments
What would you like to learn to do?
To read more of pplz heartz... =]{I know its lame}
Whats the last thing you bought?
Hand Sanitizer!!! to prevent Swine Flu and Influenza A...(H1N1) Spreading....ooo...
What are you listening to right now?
Preassure-Paramoreee =]
What is your favourite weather?
Nice,Windy and Breezy!!! =]
What is your most challenging goal right now?
KERJA KHURSUS!!!! wad else?!?!
What do you think about the person who tagged you?
No one tagged me..I stole it frm Ashley...She Is NICEEEE and Kind and lovess Paramoreeee =]!!
If you could have a house totally paid for,fully furnished anywhere in the world,where would it be?
Rio De Jenairo...ROMANTIC!!!!
If you could swap lives with anyone for a day who would it be?
TayLor SwiFt!!! Coz...She rockk!!! LMAO!!
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour,where would you go?
Japan to shop till I Dropp!!!
What would you like to have in your hands right now?
My phoneee!!! its chargin in da room... ==
Wad language do you wanna learn?
What do you look for in a friend?
Understanding,Caring,Honest,Will be there if you need em'...
Who do you wanna meet in person?
.... mmm....idk.. =] LoL!!!
If u had $100 now what would u spend it on?
Top Up Ma phonee so tht I can SmS with fwenz??? LoL Lamee!!!
Things you wish you cld change in the past?
Many many things im tellin ya!!
Fashion Pet Peeve?
Do you admire anyones style?
Yeaaa.... =]
Desacribe your personality style.
Messy but not Slacky...Comfortable stuff tht is ok with mee...Nott pyjamaz la... == lol!
Whats your fav ice cream flavor?
Whats your fav past time?
What make up do you use alot?
I wont use it unless i have to..NATURAL IS THE BEST!!!
Do you get enough beauty sleep?yes or no? why?
No,bz chattin and doin other stuff...hehehe... =]
Why did u start your blog?
To share stuff and make ppl noe me better if they want to... =]
What do you think is the best feature of yrself?
I relly dont noe...Wander...Wad... =]
I tagg EVERYONE readin this CRap and have the patience to w8 for this long thing to end... =.=
Byeeee nowww!!!! =]
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Wednesday, June 24, 2009 0 comments
Helooo!!! Howdie! ma fwenz!!! =] Bet yall Are all Fineee!!! Ahaha!! =.= not funny!! Anywayy...My topic sayz...Tht the white board fallin in 1 Gamma!!! I witnessed every second of it...it first fell down straight...stanDIN!!! then wen it touched the ground,...it slept n pushed ALL the tables to th BACK!!! Hahahahaha!!! i Was Damn Freakin Shocked...most of them felt the same... =.= Haizz...Those Delta Boys La!! Push Push Push only 1...ayoo...WAd LooSerzz la...not all ofem'....just those who puSHED the wall till the BOARD also can fall 1...LAMO!! hmmm... =.= Poor Miss Ivy....Everytime her class,Somathing will happen then We cant like concentrate...EveRyTiME.....Shez Sadd ad....She almost cried...I saw her rubbin her eye wen she turned at the back n wen the others were bz doin the ScienCe Quiz She gave... =[ Her eyes slightly bengkak ad... HaiZZ...Sorry cher'....We didnt mean to do those stuff to you... =] SmiLE!!!
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Wednesday, June 24, 2009 0 comments
ALERT!!!! PPL With BloGZ Specially GIRLS!!! I RepeAT,...GIRLS!!! ok...There are like SPAM here n there...nott normally ones but PERVERTIC ONES!!!! =.= ughh!!! Go GET UR SELF UR OWN BLOG AND SPAM IT AS MUCH AS U WANT 2 LA!!! DONT DISTURB MA BLOG OK?!?!?!?!?!?! GET UR OWN FREAKIN **** UP LIFE!!! SERIOUS!!!
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Monday, June 22, 2009 0 comments
Hi ppl!! its almost 12 in the mid-nite!!!Try not to read this post..its all crap and stupid stuff cuz im BORED and doesnt have any stuff good to do...=.= lame one...ull regret it and its a waste of time to read this thing...really...read others.... =] =.= wads so great abt tht?!?! =.= im boredd...i dont specificaly noe Wad to blog abt but some howw...just feel like blogging... =] Haizz..ok...lets start with this...im feelin great! a little cold noww...my hair flying all overr ma face(OMGEE!! cld u imagine tht!! ahah!! i Look stupidly lame noww)...tryin 2 put it behind ma ear but cant...it comes out again!!! =.= Lamo slippery hair!! u noe...lotza ppl sayy..'having slippery,soft and smooth hair is good.' but actually..everytin has an advantage and a disadvantage....Having stupidly soft n smooth hair like mine...=.= Fliez everywhere!!! not good!! me noo likey..=.=
hehe...See now! dont noe wad to rite ad largh! still feel like blogging ler...haizz...But i guess i really have nohin to talk abt ad la...sooo byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee=]
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Saturday, June 20, 2009 0 comments
OMGEEE!!! =.= Some ppl is RUSHING ME TO DO THIS POST 4 dont noe wat sorta reason!! its nothin special! jus a normal post oso tak SABAR SabAR One u noe!!!
haiyoooo!! =.= anyways....u guys see those GHOSTS flyin around the page?!?!?! theres a bat too!! but if ur nott using internet explorer..u CANT see it... =] lol!! thtz All I wanna SAY! And tht Person Hu WAs ...Or ISSS rushin mee....Pls learn 2 be PATIENT!!! =] thx...
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Saturday, June 20, 2009 0 comments
Ive never gone with the wind.
Just let it flow...
Let it take me where it wants to go..
Till u open the door..
And theres so much mooree...
I've never seen it before..
I was tryin to fly but i couldnt find wingz..
But u came along and u changed everytin...
U lift my feet off the ground.
U spin me around,...
U made me crazier,Crazier..
It feels like im fallin and I,Im lost in your...eyes...
U made me Crazier,crazier,Crazier..!
I watched from a distance as you,...
Made life your own....
Every sky has your own kind of blue...
And i wanted to know...how that would feel..
And you made it so real...
You showed me somethin that I couldnt see...
U opened my eyes and you made me beleive...
U lift my feet of the ground,...
Spin me around...
U made me Crazier,crazier...
It feels like im fallin and I,...Im lost in your eyes~~...
U made me crazier,...Crazier...crazier...
Baby you showed me what livin is for,...
I dont wanna hide anymore!!!!
U lift my feet of the ground...
Spin me around..
U made me crazier..crazier...
It feels like im fallin and I...im lost in your eyes...
U made me Crazier..crazier...crazier!!
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Saturday, June 20, 2009 0 comments
Wassup ppl?!?! Ahaha...school is doin fine! but ppl in skul r nt doin fine with mee... =[ all of a sudden...weird things happen...weird...i mean WEIRD... =[ yikEz!! It all comes out like Tsunami! Like..they dont come all of the time...but once it come....there a Whole lot ofem!!! im like totally Sick and Tired ofem la....so damn freakin weird mann!!!
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Friday, June 19, 2009 0 comments
Hmph..!!! =.= I hate projectz...alott!! i used to likem'...but not anymore..there are Science peka,Kh project,Geo,Sej.....and im nt surprised if a few more cme around... =.= nt surprised...at all...sure 1...wait n see la...i bet!!! =.= lame stuff!!! BOORING LIKE SHIT AAHH!!!!
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Wednesday, June 17, 2009 0 comments
OMG! School is like,...so gonna start and I just cant wait!!! =] OMG! im soo excited! =] im gonna see ALL my fwenz and and and and mm...MY teacherz! haha lol..mr kenny!miss ivy! and all all all ofem'! yay!! But i feel a little....LaZy to wake up sooo early in da morning.~ (sighs)
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Friday, June 12, 2009 1 comments
Hadnt update my blog for a few dayz ad...for one very stupid and i dont like reason....Internet connection!!! =.=" CaCaTeD! ok...ermm..=] owh.! rite..itz just a few dayz tht i have nott been on9...and when i checked my FaCeBoOk...and u ne the small notification thingy on the right bottom of ya screen...there are....8O notificationz fo me u noe...8O!!!! =.=" all stupid thingz onez...=.="
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Thursday, June 11, 2009 0 comments
Im at home as usual...bored shitt freakinn rotten brains gonna rott like shitt!! and it smellz soo badd,tht shitt smellz wayy betterr than my shit...which means my brains...and now after my brain became like shit...I AM WRITING SHITT ON MY BLOGGEYY!!! =] S.O.S ~ ..=.= i guess im gonna do a tag! yupp!! so byezz 4 noww!!! muakzz!!
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Thursday, June 04, 2009 0 comments
Hello ppl..~ today i went to kl,Bukit Jalil to see ma hse as I say in the previouz post..and now am I tired>? the answer is..>HELL YEAH!!!< Anywayz..i jus oni came back..frm abt like 4:00 and 12:00...so late..!!! woww.!! frm KL u noe!! This is soo...NOT a big DEAL...so whatt!!!..anywayz..ermm...so tired..not sleepy..but tired...~=.=" swt..byeezz NoWW!!! ok..im goin...goin...goin...byE!! =]
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Wednesday, June 03, 2009 0 comments
Yay!! todayy im gonna go to Bukit Jalil To go and check out ma new House..cuz I live in Seremban now..and it will take me hourz juz to go to skul..thtz y im shiftin!!! we havent bring our things yet..its nt painted,not even a piece of chair..its empty..we jus wanna go and pick our roomz..but still!! During the holidayz,I will be shiftin' up!! so then..life will be MUCH easier for meyy!! yay...then mee n mee fwenz cld easily meet during thee weekendz and holidays to come!!LMAO!!!! BYEE 4 NOW!!! (smilez)
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Wednesday, June 03, 2009 0 comments
1.Where did you take your profile pic?:
My Phoneyy! =] lol...
2.What exactly are you wearing right now?:
T-shirt and knee length pantz...lol..
3.What is your current problem?:
Misunderstandigs... =.=
4.What makes you happy most?:
Listening to Taylor Swift,Dancing,Singing..and hanging out wit ma friendz.. =]
5.Whats the name of the song you are listening to?:
You're not sorry-by Taylor Swift...niCee! =]
6.Any celeb would you marry?:
Martin Johnson...HoTt!!
7.Name someone with the same bithday as you?:
Shu Ying (1 Delta)
8.Ever sing infront of a large audience?:
Yeap... =]
9.Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity?:
Ermm...yezz..ermm..they said I look like a Japaneze celeb...LOL!! tht like so noTT true!
10.Do You still watch kiddie moviez or kiddie tv shows?:
Yess...Tom & Jerry?? Hahax(embarrasing!!) lolx! =]
11.Do You Speak Any Languages?:
Eng,Bm,Cantonese and Mandrin...
12.Has anyone you've been really closed with passed away?:
ermm...my grandmom... =[ (sobs)
13.Do you ever watch mtv?:
Like ADuHH!! Its like compulsory in my everyday lifestyle!!
14.Whats something tht really annoys you?:
Some nerds in the school tht really like botherz mee!! Bleck!
Chapter 1
1.Middle name
Hui i think...my name is like damn long and complicating even I dont noe!
Illy,Ill,Yana,Iyana,Lily(made by Azureen)
3.Current Location
Home!! Like Aduhh!!
4.Eye Colour
Darkk brown..~
Chapter 2
1.Do you get along with your parents
Most of the time.. =]
2.Are your parents married/seperated/divorced
Married la!! Ayooo...wad a Nice(NOTT) question!
Chapter 3
1.Ice cream
Winter s awesome!! yay winter!
Both la!
4.Fav Thing
Handphone,Laptop,Internet connection,andd....iPod! =]
Chapter 4
Do You....
1.Dance in the shower?
Thts one of the things I enjoy the most!
2.Do you write on your hand?
Yeapp!! lol...
3.Call ppl back?
hmm...sometimez... =]
4.Beleive in love?
Mouth zipped!!
5.Any bad habits?
Bitting my hand...YUCK!! hahax...~
6.Any mental health issues?
Chapter 5
Have You...
1.Ever kissed your dog?
I dont have a dog...and i dont kiss my petz..lol!
2.Sprained stuff
Yess...my ankle...many many times ad lo...
3.Gotten stitches?
Yess..on my forehead...owchiee!
4.Diving or Snorkeling
Snorkeling..when i was at Tioman wif ma family! funn! lol!
5.Sworn in front of yr parents?
nehh!! =]
6.Had detention?
Yeapp!! When I was at Year sixx..miss Anusha...miss those timez...
Chapter 6
Who/What was the the last...
Monsterz vs Aliens..its a lol film!!
2.Three ppl to text you
Lareina,Kyle,2nd mom...
3.Person U called
4.Person u hugged
Its called'ma bagg'!!
5.Person U Tackle
My aunt..hahax!
6.Person u talked to on MSN?
7.Thing you touched?
Ma keyboard!! im even touching it noww!!lol
8.Thing You ate?
Rice with Fish??
9.Thing u drank
Sugarcane! yumm!!
10.Thing You said
CaCaTeD!! lol!
11.Person u kissed
12.Place U went..
Balcony!! hahax...smell fresh plantz!yay nature!! =]
I Tag Everyone hu reads this CRAP!!
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Tuesday, June 02, 2009 1 comments
Is being innocent a good thing?? or izit a baad thing?? hahax...now only I realised tht in these few days posts..its all questionz abt the topic..Hahax! anywayy..~i enjoy doing tht! so whoo carez!nobody is even gonna read this at all!! good~..NOTT!! oki..back to thee topic kay??OK!! good~So wads the answerr?!?!?! anyone noe'z..nope they dont and they dont evencare at all!hmm...I think it depends la.~Rite??but..yala..dependz..on the situation lorr..~gud gud gud..i got the answer frm myself...but who noes the exact one..only god(Allah s.w.t)yupp!!
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Tuesday, June 02, 2009 0 comments
This is like my second post for the day...bored at home...now is apprpriately about 4:oo sumtin' in the MORNING ad! And I am nott at all asleep... i noe at this time now many ppl will be like snoring away...like aduhh!! any wayz~i dont feel sleepy at all yett...so i'll just keep on posting..my topic is,'Everyone has their special someone'not everyone actually...yeap..i dont think so..some are lonely onez...sadd ones..(sobs)like mee!! =[...lol! hahax..like i care! =] I still have my family,1 GAMMA,and my beloved non-1 gamma friends..tht i love and care for...lol(acting so damn emotional)..yupp..~haizz...im bored..sittin at home..getting more end more sleepy now..thinkin of wad to write...i gotta seriously plan up some activities for mee and mee friends to do or go or attend...if nott i will RotT...like i said in the previous,previous post...yeap..haizz..I tried to do those thingu's tht some other ppl tagg..and its actually SPAM!! AaAaAaAaAa!!!lol..lemme talk abt my fav thingz...my fav colour is Baby blue,Black,Purple,Hott Pink!Yeap..their the awesomest of colours to me...but Azureen(Azuu) said tht Dark Purple suits mee more worr...so i'll try to buy tht colour moree often..i beleive her taste..hahax!lol..haiz..imma superr cold in my room now..haiz..bored shitt!! really man! the worsest time of my live!! I hope nott!! but itz nott Thaaaaat badd actually...get to rest more rite.!?!?!?!hahax! LMAO!! I hate Brownish-Green colourz...so ...RUSTY!! get wad i mean...rusty..Im very sleepy now ad...'I cant take it any longer'-frm I Hate This Part Right Here-PussyCat Dollz..hahax...seriously le...i cant take it any longer..summore i hv to wake up at 9 tomolo...hv goto do sumtin..BLECK!! I have got lesser than 5 hours of sleep...later got eyebagz...eeewww!! worst nightmare!yuckz!Now is 4:18 like datt ad..gtg sleep ad....hope I can Upd8 my bloggey 2 molo lo..oki?!?! byez...im goin...goin...almost clickin the plubish post button...almoz...almoz reachin...ok BYEZ!! muakZ!!
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Monday, June 01, 2009 0 comments
Heyy..hoo...Wassupp ppl on earth! How yall doin'...ok ...i bet its either awesome..fine...or...boredshitt...rite...there must be one of em'..anywayz..my topic todayy is nothin' but life! haizz..'Life is like an adventure'I got this from an awesome poem tht i happen to pass by in the internet when i was doing a survey on new hippy stuff today..life is like an adventure..is that true? many ppl i noe said yes..and many said no..so i wonder what's the exact answer to this title..so,i did a survey again to hunt for an exact and perfect answer..and after some time..i found an answer..and the answer simply says Both. And I was like..Woah!that simple meh?? haizz....and its really tht simple..it actually depends on the individual..some is yes..and of course..some is a big NO!! ...i dont relly knoe..but now..i think i have got to admit its a yess...now..one of my very good friends frm 1 gamma(the best clazz)told me..'Life is like a roller coaster'...I was laughing dis-beleivingly upon tht saying...to me its not...but tht was soo last time...now its a whole big fatt YES!! I realized it...tht when u start growinng to a certain age..or easier to say..,frm age to age..thingz will alwayz change...yr thotz...yr thinking...everything...maybe not everything...but most of it...yupp...and here i am to share with yall abt it...its true...beleive it,...even if u dont..NONE OF MY BUSINESS!! dont come and complain anytin'!!
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Monday, June 01, 2009 0 comments