Posted by Cake~ <3 at Saturday, May 30, 2009 0 comments
I like Facebook!! nicee..=] hahax!! yay facebook! i made a japanese name 4 myelf on facebook...!~ actually its not me...its my very very very good friend!! i have many types of different types of friends...my bestest friend which means my bff is,Lareina! those friends that i always hangout with is Debbie,Lareina,Carol,Trisha,Natasha,and Cynthia.those whom i trust are of course Lareina,the ones that i hangout with,Azureen,and ermm..Melissa,and friends...some ofem' only..yupp! the one that i really think is cool is Ellie!! she can do sports..in the A' class,studies okok...gymnastics...she is awesome!!ok..the ones that i always chat with online and stuff is Kyle,Lareina,Trisha(from another school)..yupp...so far thats all...especially Kyle and Lareina..always...its like compulsory every single dayy!!hahax...how can I forget the 1 gamma!?! wait let me change the colour of the word......yupp!!1 Gamma ,all of them, are my Buddies.!!even some dont think that ...butt..i totally think that way...i treat them much much much ,more than just friends!!all of them!! except for some asses!~no only one...Nicolas...i hate this person...he no family to me!!...but the rest ofem'...all one united family!! i am happy being with them..being with them..i fell really really warm and protected...i am happy i have this family..(*sobs*) =] hahax!! they make me laugh and proud!! thats exactly why i like 1 gamma so much!!
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Friday, May 29, 2009 0 comments
Woww! today is teachers day.damn fast man!but its awesome! there are awesome performances today...teachers were so damn happy to receive the presents from us of course.!lolx. the very first performance was by our class which is LOVE BUG from the Jonas Brothers...yupp! it was awesome!but too badd soo sadd i did not take part in it le..it was so awesome that i was singing while watching them sing!hahax...1 gamma seriously rox mann!like no others! Ashley , Alif and Keith was holding the microphone...so they probably are the 'main' singers lo! yupp..and ermm..Sathya,Jared and Kenji were the guitarists..yupp...and the rests are jus normal vocals la...hmm...thats the first performance..the second is frm 1 alpha...but only four girls took part...cuz the rest of the alphaians think that they are the best..they are, Amanda,Ellie,Azureen and Laksmi.yea...they were dancing to the song frm the Hannah Montana the movie song...country music...then the next performance was frm...dunno hu ad la! how cann remember so much ooo...but..there are some performances that i can remember,like the one frm 1 Delta..only two were performing..actually there was no performance one...but their class teacher ms Shermalin forced them, to make a performance if not she no face...wat la...any ways..it was by two of my closest friends Melissa and Shu Ying..the were forced to read a poem...and they were like so nervous....i cant even hear wat they were talking abt at all...not only me actually but everyone except them! O.M.G!hahax...and there was another performance by 2 beta i think...they danced Hip-Hop...chinese song...mmm...the jasmine group...but that time..jasmine wasnt there..i heard herr saying that her mum didnt allow her to come...pity her...so only her group danced..3 girls la that means...cuz plus her 4 ma...they 4 gotten some steps..and got mistakes...but oso okok la....and there was another performance by 3 beta i think...there were drumers and guitarists playing the music 'More Than Words-by Westlife'...and the singer was..Shanon and Louise...yupp...her voice was niceyy!hahax!then there is another performance..oso got guitars and drums by shanons sis',sabrina...she sang 'Pressure-by Paramore'! cool too!...the last performance i remember was frm..RouNie,Eddie and group....they Danced! Awesome!!VERY Lifely!!!ok....ohh!! there satu more! the one datt tries to act like Rain!ok...steps are very weird...and he shouts relly loudly like he wants to kill some one...haiszz damn funny la...thats all.4 now...bye!!muakz 2 everyone reading this!!
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Friday, May 29, 2009 0 comments
Haizz...nows Holidayy..~and i dont really seem to like it..u noe...friends are like in skul noww..and ermm..yupp...i'm saad...not seeing my friends 4 2 whole long weeks are unbearable!haizz...but me lareina and a friend of mine...trisha! is going 2 sunwayy 4 ashoww...and i have neverr met trisha b4...butt i noe it will be lotza funn cuz...she is crazy like me!!and lareina of cuz...yay!! cant wait!!
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Friday, May 29, 2009 0 comments
YAy!! 2 molo'z monday!! yay!! finally skul start! but i havent finish my KH hw yett le...sorry MR.KENNY...will try ro finish it intime 2 molo...
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Sunday, May 24, 2009 0 comments
Hey ppl on earth!how yall' doin?!hahax! imma still sadd abt the seal thingy...~~ =.= haizz...how can they have a bluddy Heart to do that! (i'm wondering wheter they have a heart or noTT!!) I think they dont...cuz their a son of a female dog! geddid?! a female dogg!! DOGG!! Hahahahaha~~!!!!Muahahaha!!! any wayz..i'm tryin to erase the memory of that...soo yeah~~itz one of the worsezt mail i've ever gotten..IN MY LIFE!!!DISTURBIA~~!
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Saturday, May 23, 2009 0 comments
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Friday, May 22, 2009 0 comments
There was a special assembly today held by YB(yang berhormat)Hanna Yeoh.she told us that recently,at SunwayPyramid,there was a girl at bout our age....being raped.The whole crowd of students laughed wen she said that.then...she started to talk abt...s*x..then theyall laugh again...loudly(for extra information).all teachers and secondary students were present.wen we had mandrin,by mr su.he asked us y we laughed and gave us a loooooooooooong briefing abt it....u noe,'IT'!! i dont wanna write the word so many times.cuz there will be a side effect.u noe wad effect?? MY BLOG WILL THEN BE POLLUTED!!!!! yupp!! so...back to the topic,mmm...rite!! then the boyz kept askin mr su...QuEsTiOnZ!!abt it.... omg..not normal ones..but deep deep onez...ayaa...wad can i sayy..its GaMmA mann..the clas of badd thotz..haizzz...bitt my class rockz mosttt!!! wooohooo!!
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Friday, May 22, 2009 0 comments
....I dont have anyin much 2 sayy 2 day...bored shitt!!
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Wednesday, May 20, 2009 0 comments
....u guyz remember i told yall bout the trip..this wednesday.....ya...ITZ CANCELLED!!!! ... i used sooo much money 4 it...rm 400 jus 4 the trip....and much more than that just to buy a proper hiking bag,compus,torch light,lamp,whistle,clothes,shoes,medicines,tissues and lotza otherr toiletries and stuff!! ughh!! such a waste of money man!!!AAAAAAAAAa!!!!! some more i was so excited bout it....mann was i pissed!!!!
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Monday, May 18, 2009 0 comments
Examz Are now Officially Overr...I repeat Overr!! Yay us... I hate exam ..too much stressing around there..u noe..we have 2 study all of those subjectz like sejarah ,kh and geografi... yea...so 2 moro's school...there's this trip that imma goin 2..nature camp... cant wait...~~ Few gayz are goin...yea~~
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Saturday, May 16, 2009 0 comments
Heyy Guyz..and Girlz!! How yall doin...Fine?? ahh..good..."omg!! I am Talking 2 myself!!!" right..AS i was sayin ..blogging..i saw several ppls blog...the ones in my claz..the ones in otherrr class like beta..yea...some r really like 'lol'~~u noe wadd i mean~~ 'lol'yea... and i am gonna try 2 link all ofem' now..so Bye~~!!
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Friday, May 15, 2009 2 comments
..I'm bored..really bored..cant waitta go 2 skul 2 molo le..hehe..excited..ohya!! there's a '2nd nature exploration camp next wednesday..imma goin'..kindda excited u noe...hope it wil be fun..2 moro got art test and agama test le..haizz..still bored..my back still hurt alott..alott...alott!!owchiee again....pain...
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Thursday, May 14, 2009 0 comments
Huh!! Guess wad,2 day after test 2 day,we went back 2 class and the boys were screaming like mad dogs,I repeat."MAD DOGS"!!! And Sathya Started with throwing A chair 2 dont know hu?? and sathya,was standing right infront of me... then Jared wanted 2 thow the chair to him.....and guess wad happened...sathya moved and the freakin' plastic chair hit my back....by flying! And thanks 2 Jared,my back is now 'BLUEBLACK IN COLOUR'!!!! SERIOUSLY HURT U NOE!!!
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Thursday, May 14, 2009 0 comments
Ok...so itz been a seriously looonggg time...since i dint update my blog.b'cuz..i am Lazy!!! u get wad i mean??Lazy!! Yeap!! datz exactly why...uhuh... ok..i got complaits.!! frm frenz..lemme share em'.
1.frm sheerin: "U put to much fullstops... like '........'!"
Yea,i noe sheerin.but i juz cant get the Heck out of em'!!!~~ rite..letz move onn....
2.frm Sathya: " Hahahha!!! Love Story!! sooo lame!! hahaha!!"
He said that wen we were actuallly having the exam!!ok...back 2 the topic..love story,cuz i like that song...some might think this song is lame but i dont think soo!! hello!! this is myblog...i repeat,"MY BLOG"!!! I do it my wayy!!!but i am not blaming anyone around here..its jus a comment...chill rite?? i noe datt...
Posted by Cake~ <3 at Thursday, May 14, 2009 0 comments